Sunday, March 25, 2007

Inspiration Point

Back to Berkeley! For a town that I don't much care for, I seem to go there a lot. I suppose I separate the town from Tilden, the Gardens, Inspiration Point, the golf course and the other things they have to offer outside of the city itself. Inspiration Point, in itself, is not very inspiring. They have basically one view of the San Pablo and Briones Reservoirs.

The view is ok, and mostly locals hanging out at the few picnic tables. But, there is something about Tilden that draws one to it's nature, wilderness, and beauty.

There are two trailheads there and for this day, I took the paved one that meanders around to an overlook. Yanni and I have twice taken the other one that leads to Jewel Lake, (see previous post).

I wander along the paved trail for a while until I come upon this uphill offshoot. Up I go and end up at the top of a plateau with great views all around.

Beautiful wildflowers as usual....

....and a perfect view of Mount Diablo. If you want to get an idea about how vast this mountain really is, check out the houses in the foreground.

After six miles, according to my trusty pedometer, I head back to my car. Oh yeah, a brief stop at the newly built outhouse. This, by the way, is the Cadillac of port-o-potties. Your tax dollars at work!

And now, for my favorite photo. I arrive back at my car and see this, which speaks volumes. If a picture is worth a thousand words, this is worth five thousand. There is so much to say about this, that I don't even know where to begin. I'll start with this: Being lost, I see that I'm clearly in Berkeley, the town of free speech, as long as it's the politically correct free speech. Berkeley, the town without balance.

Impeach Bush? Lots of people want him out, and he will be out shortly with the upcoming election, but go through the costly, lengthy, and ineffective impeachment process? I don't think so. Boycott Alcatraz cruises? Hmm..not sure where we're going here. If you've been to Alcatraz once, you're probably set for about 10-20 years before there is any need to return.

I'll just fast-forward to my favorite: "Destroy power, not people." I was so moved by this bumper sticker (the communication choice of those who do little else), that I burned all my camera batteries, my Power Bars, and even this evil-powered car, the ultimate "power" machine. OK, I'm done with my rant on Berkeley, the Rush Limbaugh of the left, whose good message is lost because of the over-zealous.
I know, I know....I should just stick to writing about the trails. No problem.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome back...been looking for some more of your great pics, and I really like the last shot of The City. I also see that you've taken up a little political blogging...and so the blog transformation has begun. As always, great stuff.
