Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Hiking in 1973

Rain canceled my usual hike with friend and fellow wanderer Yanni today. I am lost without my hike, photos, and posting to this site. Instead, I have been going through my nearly 2,500 old slides and finding amazing stuff! Old hikes, backpacking trips, college years, old friends, old family shots, and pictures from my first and second dates with Mellissa. Some of these will make it to the blog since some are just to funny to not post. I did find that I have been hiking, camping, and backpacking since Boyscouts. Here's me at age 19 in 1973 (in an unintended double-exposure on Mt. Baden Powell (a Southern California mountain named after the founder of the Boy Scouts).

Yes, I know...weird hair and 60 lbs lighter.....More classics like this to follow....
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Anonymous said...

You are a very very brave man to post these startling images...I love em, keep up the good Blogging.


Anonymous said...

Are you Kenny G's long lost twin?