Monday, March 26, 2007

Jeff/Lisa First Pictures August 1993

In one of my earlier blogs, I showed pics of a Point Reyes hike that re-created Lisa and my first date in August of 1993. I recently found my slides from this seminal date and took digital pics of each. I would like to dedicate this blog to Mellissa's birthday tomorrow, March 27th, 2007. OK, here goes: this is the first EVER picture I took of my sweetie...I met her at her Hayward house for breakfast on then onto our hike in Point Reyes National Seashore.

Off we go to Arch Rock, four miles one-way from the Visitor's Center. Lisa frolicked in the water looking awfully cute and giving me that "come hither" look....OK, I made that last part up...

Here are the next few pics I took of my future wife:

I thought she had the cutest face....

...and I still do.

Here is the very first picture that was taken of us together. I set up the camera on a rock and had a remote control device that triggered the shutter button. You can almost see the remote hiden in my left hand. I tried to explain how this all works to Lisa at the time -- and may I point out that the explanation takes about two hours -- but she seemed uninterested. Go figure.

Our next pic together was this one. I should point out that Lisa too, took several pics that day and we are still looking for these. I'll share them here when we find them, but for now, this is what we have.

The pics are not as clear as others, but they were taken from slides shown on the wall, and then photographed with a digital camera. They were then edited in Picasa to sharpen and crop and then posted on this blog. I love looking at these pics and hope that Lisa enjoys them for her birthday as well. We are forever grateful to Mona and Ellen for introducing us. (OK, setting up a dinner to trick Lisa was more accurate, but who's counting?)

Eleven years this June 8th.

1 comment:

John F. Hughes said...

Best post yet!

Not the best pictures, but by far the best post!

Keep up the good work.
