Tuesday, October 2, 2007

J&M Photography Opens!

Looks like we are entering another new chapter and adventure in our lives. Mellissa and I have opened J&M Photography, a small business created to sell photo prints, note cards, photo postcards, and other photo products.

I must admit that a big part of the idea came from people like you who offered such kind and flattering comments about the photos posted on this blog. If craft fair patrons feel the same way, we might make some money. If we fall flat on our face and sell nothing, then I'll know you were all fibbing! ;-)

The good news is that while we may lack the booth and displays as yet, we have the most important item: decent photos! So, first order of business: build inventory. We are working our way to 1,000 photos for sale. I went down to the production department of J&M and took this shot of the photos waiting for the matting process.

We are ording our booth and looking at the various ways to weight it down for wind protection.

We are researching the street fairs, artists displays, application fees, and business licenses required to set up a home-based business.

Mellissa and I have had lots of fun going around to the various craft fares in the Bay Area. They all seem sort of the same and often have the same vendors that work the fair circuit. It will be interesting to see if we can "break in" and make it worth our while. If not, you all are going to be getting prints as gifts for years.

Here she is scouting out the competition. These display racks hold the photo note cards we intend to sell. These guys make a fortune selling this stuff. I've learned that people want to buy something at a fair. I am just trying to help them with what they want.

More competition here. I tried to get Mellissa to accidentally drop a match and eliminate some of the better booths that make competing prints. She gave me some BS lecture about us all being "fellow artists" and began using phrases like "let's not cheapen our craft" by burning down other photographer's booths. I said, "Hey! Do you want to make money or not? Flame on!"

I love this photo. Here's why: See the lady in the blue pants? She and her husband are flipping through $80. each prints that cost the artist five bucks each. And they will buy one or more. How do I know this? Check out the hat; she bought the hat ($79.) at the street fair and has hit the corndog booth four times.

The booth, matted prints, and display panels shown above are what we have ordered as well.

So, we'll see if we can make a go of this. It's been lots of fun to work on and we are learning a lot. Mellissa and I have always liked going to street fairs. There is something bright and springtime-y about walking around hand-in-hand looking at the tie-dyed dog collars for sale.

J&M Photography has been a lot of work however. Mellissa handles all the accounting, ordering, and finance. I take the photos, work the editing, matting, and printing. This photo looks like a joke, but this is our offsite darkroom. While at our trailer, I can't see the photos on the laptop because the glare from the windows is so bright. So I hunker under Lisa's blanket for better viewing. Hey, don't smirk; I understand that Ansel Adams did the same thing!

I almost forgot: I created our website, a real one. Check it out at http://www.fotogood.com/. Cool name, huh?
The site is my first attempt and rather lame, but it'll get better as I learn more. Let me know what you think.


John F. Hughes said...

You continue to amaze me. What a team.

(From the frozen north - Calgary, Alberta)

Anonymous said...

How dare you say I hit the corndog booth 4 times. It was 6--GET IT RIGHT!!